Saturday, March 07, 2020

COVID- 19 Coronavirus - high risk groups old, men, with chronic illness . Let us pray Oremus! Lasset uns beten! Oremos! Prions! Preghiamo! 기도합시다 gidohabsida! 祈りましょうInorimashou ! Давай помолимся Davay pomolimsya! دعنا نصلي daena nasli بیا دعا کنیم آئیے دعا کریں راځئ چې دعا وکړو for «The global village» the old, older and oldest worldwide but especially for «The villages»

3D Medical Animation Still Shot graph showing Case Fatality rates by age group from SARS-COV-2 in China.


In times of Equality and women's liberation movement (WLM) 3.0 is the slogan «women and children first» anyway a stupid, politically incorrect phrase, as it seems as fallen out of time completely; in times of «COVID-19» the more. If it“s right what chinese and italian shortly made (quick and dirty?) studies shows us for the moment the risk to die by the #Coronavirus higher for the elderly, men, with  chronic illness. So, in situation of lack of stuff, absemce of a vaccine, a shortage of appropriate buildings, etc. etc.  it seems only dealing the devilish unbalanced system with justice by taking care first for the old, older and oldest man with existing indispositions. 

It“s  exponentiell (in times of Panic hear the Pan flut e(Shephard/God of Panic) or Papageno“s flute) not linear, so do not look for the moment (T-NULL or for the last days of each country), 

look at the ranking by age. 1. MONACO 2. JAPAN 3. GERMANY (high density of senior and treatment homes…, in the USA the US-Speciality «Senior Cruise Ships» (with 1-4 K places for the Elderly) and  FLORIDA («the» retirement state) and in FLORIDA «The villages» (an artifical town of meanwhile 140.000 inhablitants (minimum age age 55+).

So, in the imes of devilish black swans and pre-times of PAN(total)demie (people): Let us pray Oremus! Lasset uns beten!  Oremos! Prions! Preghiamo! 기도합시다   gidohabsida! 祈りましょうInorimashou ! Давай помолимся Davay pomolimsya! دعنا نصلي daena nasli بیا دعا کنیم آئیے دعا کریں راځئ چې دعا وکړو for «The global village» the old, older and oldest worldwide but especially for «The villages»

05.03.2020The impact of the virus depends already of the political, economical, social systems in the world, but look how different the age structures in the "Gobalvillage" are:

Die Altersstrukturdaten der einzelnen Länder /Age structure data of the different countries (long list/all coutries)

Double Click on picture to see shart list sorted by last age group

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